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Alfa Laval Titanium Plate Heat Exchanger Type Mud Coolers

Alfa Laval T-20 PUMA Mud Temperature Control System

Safe operation at low cost

Drilling high pressure / high temperature wells can be both risky and complicated. Cooling the drilling fluid will reduce both the risk factor and complications while increasing safety and decreasing operating costs. Alfa Laval now offer an efficient module cooling system. It is skid-mounted and needs simply to be connected to be ready
for immediate operation; normally in less than 24 hours. The Alfa Laval PUMA effectively reduces temperature, and has a proven track record in real-life operation where it has shown an impressive impact on drilling efficiency. The system is designed with specific focus on efficient mud heat transfer . Moreover it has been designed to minimize weight and space requirements, as well as to ensuring maximum serviceability.

The Alfa Laval PUMA gives the clear advantage of safe operation at low cost:

  • Improved personnel safety and environment since oil based fluids can be maintained at surface below their flash points
  • Increased endurance and accuracy of in-hole measuring devices such as MWD
  • MWD and logging tools can be used at greater depths
  • Increased life of elastomers
  • Fewer hole problems due to reduced thermal stress
  • Less additives required as rheological properties of the drilling fluid can be maintained

The above benefits will further increase your up-time which clearly shows on the bottom line.


A complete system

The Alfa Laval PUMA incorporates two plate heat exchangers designed in accordance with PED codes and standards. It features complete piping assembly with gauges and manually operated butterfly valves for product and cooling water . The heat exchangers can be operated in parallel or as individual units depending on duties required. The drilling fluid is supplied from the clean fluid pit and pumped to the heat exchangers by means of a centrifugal pump. A suction strainer prevents large solids entering the system. A back flush arrangement is incorporated for cleaning the system.

Offshore transportable for High Temperature Drilling.

  • Type AK – 20
  • Type M – 20
  • Type T – 20
  • Centrifugal Pump Units
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